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IEEE MRS 2019 will be held on August 22-23 at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.


MRS is a new initiative of the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Multi-Robot Systems. The goal of the conference is to bring together researchers who are in the field of multi-robot systems (MRS) and multi-agent systems (MAS), both directly and indirectly, to cross-fertilize ideas. Typically MRS/MAS research is spread across large conferences, and this makes it difficult for us to keep up to date on new findings and meet others in the area. The intent of the conference is to bring those researchers together with a high-quality symposium to highlight the best in the field. We would like to see the top advances in multi-robot and multi-agent research represented at MRS 2019.

Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 8, 2019

The conference scope will include any research related to multi-robot and multi-agent systems, an inherently diverse community. Several competences are needed in this field, ranging from control systems to mechanical design, coordination, cooperation, estimation, perception and interaction. The fields of interest include the following general fields, but are not limited to:

  • Modeling and Control of MRS/MAS
  • Optimal Control and Optimization Methods for MRS/MAS
  • Motion and Path Planning for MRS
  • Bio-Inspired MRS and Swarm Intelligence/Robotics
  • Distributed Perception and Estimation in MRS/MAS
  • Planning and Decision Making for MRS/MAS
  • Physical Interaction in/with MRS/MAS
  • Cooperative/Collective Learning in MRS/MAS
  • AI of Large Scale Systems
  • Applications of MRS
  • Technological and Methodological Issues
  • MRS for Cooperative Manipulation
  • Micro/Nano Scale MRS
  • Operating Systems and Cloud Technology for MRS
  • Communication in MRS/MAS
  • Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking in MRS/MAS
  • Human-robot and Human-agent interaction
  • Game theoretic approaches for MAS/MRS
  • Teamwork, team formation, teamwork analysis
Invited Speakers at the conference

Keynote Speakers

Katia Sycara
Dan Halperin
Dan Halperin
Bryan Low
Bryan Low
Peter Stone
Peter Stone
Gaurav Sukhatme
Register for the conference


Early registration ends on July 15. Regular registration prices will be available till August 4. Registrations after that are counted as onsite. The registration options are available on the registration website.
Registration will be required both for papers accepted for oral presentation and as extended abstract prior to final paper upload.
Student attendees from US institutions are eligible to apply for a travel award.

IEEE Member

Early registration
  • Regular registration: $475
  • Onsite registration: $550


Early registration
  • Regular registration: $525
  • Onsite registration: $600

IEEE Student Member

Early registration
  • Regular registration: $275
  • Onsite registration: $350

Student Non-member

Early registration
  • Regular registration: $325
  • Onsite registration: $400

Contribute to the conference

Organizing Committee

In alphabetic order by surname


General Chair

Kostas Bekris, Rutgers University, USA


Local Arrangements Chair

Jingjin Yu, Rutgers University, USA


Editor in Chief

Lorenzo Sabattini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy


Program Chairs

Chris Amato, Northeastern University, USA
Robert Fitch, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Paolo Robuffo Giordano, IRISA-CNRS, France
Dylan A. Shell, Texas A&M University, USA


Publicity Chair

Kiril Solovey, Stanford University, USA


Publications Chair

Alberto Quattrini Li, Dartmouth College, USA


Finance Chair

Nora Ayanian, University of Southern California, USA


Awards Chair

Antonio Franchi, LAAS-CNRS, France


Registration Chair

Shuai Han, Rutgers University, USA


Website Chair

Rahul Shome, Rutgers University, USA


Area Chairs

Filippo Arrichiello, University of Cassino, Italy
Ariel Rosenfeld, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Aaron Becker, University of Houston, USA
Roland Bouffanais, SUTD, Singapore
Jen Jen Chung, ETH, Switzerland
Prashant Doshi, University of Georgia, USA
Alessandro Farinelli, University of Verona, Italy
Bryan K. H. Low, National University of Singapore
Michael Otte, University of Maryland, USA
Kirstin H. Petersen, Cornell University, USA
Carlo Pinciroli, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
David Portugal, Institute of Systems and Robotics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal
Amanda Prorok, University Cambridge, UK
Ryan Williams, Virginia Tech, USA


Advisory board

Magnus Egerstedt, Georgia Tech, USA
David Hsu, National University of Singapore
Vijay Kumar, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Alcherio Martinoli, EPFL, Switzerland
Lynne E. Parker, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Daniela Rus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


Click here to view list of Program Committee members